
 教材:愛智 Dr. Bird

主題:At the mall (大班)

part 1

VOC: a book, a toy, some shoes, some cloths

Sentence pattern: What do you need? I need some shoes.

Activity: 2人一組,1人當老板,1人當客人,老板要主動問客人要買什麼,客人回答後,由老板把東西交給客人

At the mall(k3)

At the mall(k3)

part 2

Activity: build a mall

1. 每個孩子先畫出自己想開的店


2. 分工合作把不同的店貼到海報上

At the mall(k3) At the mall(k3) At the mall(k3) At the mall(k3) At the mall(k3) At the mall(k3) At the mall(k3)

At the mall(k3) At the mall(k3) At the mall(k3)

part 3

VOC: bakery, shoe store, book store, department store

Sentence pattern: Where are you going? I'm going to the bakery.

Activity: 2人一組猜拳, 贏的人問問題,輸的人回答,最後到白板的樹上畫一顆蘋果    



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